YACHT began in 2002, as Young Americans Challenging High Technology, but the group is neither young nor all-American. For 20 years, Jona Bechtolt, Claire L. Evans and Robert Kieswetter have shape-shifted through multiple lineups and musical styles, releasing albums internationally on DFA Records and Downtown Records. YACHT have created and sold unplayable compact discs, published a philosophical handbook, built a 62-foot video installation, designed an eyewear collection, created a fragrance, campaigned against NSA surveillance, programmed large-scale public art activations, and composed an album in collaboration with machine learning researchers and tools. Their seventh album, Chain Tripping, was nominated for a GRAMMY Award in 2020 for Best Immersive Audio Album. The Computer Accent, a feature documentary about YACHT’s work with AI, premiered at CPH:DOX in 2022 and will see a wide release in the fall.